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Available Investments under Private Placement Life Insurance

The main purpose of a Private Placement Life Insurance Policy is generally for the client to establish a tax free investment environment where he can designate hedge fund or traditional money managers to manage assets paid into the policy. Private Placement Insurance provides access to sophisticated and alternative investment classes typically used by high-net worth clients such as hedge funds, hedge funds of funds, commodities, real estate, and options at the lowest possible insurance costs.

Investments in a Private placement Insurance take place inside what is known as an Insurance Dedicated Fund (IDF). An Insurance Dedicated Fund must satisfy certain requirements of the IRS to qualify as a tax free investment vehicle. There are several investment managers available in qualified IDFs for PPLI clients.

Copperstone Partners is proud to present the Copperstone Multi-Series Insurance Dedicated Fund which contains only the industry's best and most successful money managers and funds. If the client works with an existing money manager or hedge fund manager, in many cases, the Copperstone Multi-Series Insurance Dedicated Fund can "wrap" the investment manager in a series and create tax efficient versions of the client's investments immediately enhancing returns.