(888) 773-6787

  • Legal Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer

All insurance sales are offered through Copperstone Insurance Services, LLC a licensed insurance brokerage (CA 0G98483)

This website provides general information about Copperstone Insurance Services, LLC and is not intended to offer investment, tax or financial planning advice. The purpose of this site is to provide you with information about the firm and our our philosophy, and to provide a means for you to contact us for further information.

The material on this website is based on information generally available in the marketplace and is believed to be reliable and authoritative. However, it is not guaranteed as to its accuracy and does not constitute sufficient information to be the basis for sound investment or tax related decisions. The information is of a general nature and should not be applied indiscriminately to particular situations wherein it may not be completely applicable.

Any links on the Copperstone Insurance Services, LLC website to other websites are not intended as referrals or endorsements, but are merely provided to the users of the Copperstone Insurance Services, LLC website for convenience and informational purposes. Copperstone Insurance Services, LLC does not endorse the content of such websites nor the products, services or other items offered through such websites.

Some pages within the Copperstone Insurance Services, LLC website are password-protected. Access to these areas is restricted to authorized users only. The user in password-protected areas is responsible for any use of the password and for maintaining the confidentiality of the password.