(888) 773-6787

  • Partners /
  • Copperstone Multi-Series Insurance Dedicated Fund Partnership

Copperstone Multi-Series Insurance Dedicated Fund

Investments in the Private Placement Life Insurance industry are limited to investments inside an Insurance Dedicated Fund. Often, leading money managers avoid this space because of the complexity and cost of becoming an IDF. This leaves potential clients with the often impossible task of leaving their existing money managers for lesser investments. The Copperstone Multi-Series Insurance Dedicated Fund is the answer to this industry problem.

  • Benefits of the Copperstone Multi-Series Insurance Dedicated Fund for Insurance Agents:
  • Leading money managers and hedge funds are now available to your clients when they invest in PPLI
  • Copperstone Partners can assist to any degree in the actual placing of the PPLI while you remain the writing agent
  • If your client has an existing money manager or fund that they want "wrapped" in PPLI, the Copperstone IDF is the quickest and most cost effective way to make that a reality
  • Access to the industry's leading estate and tax attorneys in the industry at your disposal
  • Tax efficient investments and estate tax mitigation in one vehicle
  • Benefits of the Copperstone Multi-Series Insurance Dedicated Fund for Money Managers:
  • You focus on your business of creating returns while we handle the cumbersome process of IDF implementation and administration
  • Drastically reduced costs and timeframe to implement a tax efficient "version" of your already successful funds
  • Because of our structure, there is no change in the way you do business
  • Ability to attract more capital by offering tax efficient strategies
  • Funds in the structure remain on your "book" and on your client's balance sheet
  • Immediate asset protection for your clients

For more information on the Copperstone Partners Multi-Series Insurance Dedicated Fund, please contact us at 888 773-6787.