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Our core business is to provide insurance dedicated fund services to wealth managers. We also partner with top insurance advisors in the country.

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Copperstone IDF

A "plug and play" platform for RIA’s and Fund Managers to quickly and efficiently manage "insurance dedicated" investments for their clients.

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Investments of cash values within a Private Placement Life Insurance. policy (PPLI) or Private Placement Annuity (PPA) contract are limited to Insurance Dedicated Funds (IDF). These IDF’s are typically a clone of a mutual fund or hedge fund with the key distinction that they are only available through an insurance company. Historically, many leading money managers avoid setting up an IDF because of the complexity, time, and cost. In addition to the initial setup, the manager is also required to handle the ongoing IDF administration.

From the client’s perspective, although there are incredible tax benefits of Private Placement Life Insurance, the client is usually satisfied with their current manager(s) selection and often has an advisor (RIA) who acts as a “quarterback” to allocate amongst discretionary managers across various asset classes. Historically, entering into a PPLI would mean pulling client’s money from the current manager(s) and being forced to select from the insurance company’s available investment managers. In response to these challenges, Copperstone has established a separately managed account platform, also known as a “Multi-Series” Insurance Dedicated Fund. Instead of the costs and complexities of establishing a stand alone IDF, the Copperstone platform allows either a fund manager or a more traditional RIA to quickly and efficiently establish a new “separate account” (“series”) under the umbrella of the Copperstone IDF. The series account is fully segregated and managed at the sole discretion of the advisor/manager. This allows the advisor/manger to focus on managing the assets while Copperstone handles the insurance company interface and ongoing administration.